If possible, always use natural lighting while filming or taking photos. If not, use artificial lighting unobtrusively. Plan the sessions into early mornings and late evenings, into the golden hour, for the sun to be low on the horizon and the light more beautiful. If the weather is against your plans to get foggy/cloudy pictures, get sun flare into the frame.
Avoid frames that are too colourful. Prefer desaturated colours and natural tones. Keep skin tones natural. Using a single tonality for photos and videos is off brand, as diversity needs to be showcased in every aspect, including the colours.
Do not use strong filters. If a filter helps the picture in terms of content, use it in a way that is not too dominant. Clear contrast means a clearer picture.
Always zoom out. Leave room for text on the sides and take into account that the images will have to have a lot of cropping space for use in various formats. Take both landscape and portrait format shots of the scene and do not forget about the details, which are essential for storytelling. Be experimental with edgy concepts.