Design system developments


Brand Estonia's assets are the core elements that shape our visual identity, making it recognizable and consistent across all channels. These include color palette, boulders, Aino typeface, wordmarks, icons and illustrations. All assets are accessible through the brand website, providing clear instructions for their proper use.

Colors 3.0

Based on feedback from designers, we have developed color palette 3.0. The updated color palette is more flexible and allows for a greater variety of color combinations, aligning with best web practices, including WCAG AA contrast requirements. We have also introduced two new colors: Soomaa and Ratva. Additionally, an extended color palette has been created for use in web applications, creating infographics and finding complementary background colors for primary tones when needed.

Extended colour palette in Figma

All brand colors are inspired by the Estonian nature with 31 unique destinations marked on the map. These locations represent the origins of the colors, showcasing the natural beauty that inspired the palette and inviting you to explore them.

471 icons and counting

Starting this year, primary design system elements such as wordmarks and icons are also available as Brand Estonia assets in Figma. The icons in the design system have been created over the years by different designers to fit various projects and bring Estonia’s story to life. The selection of symbols ranges from a simple arrow to a cute little fly – representing everything from the foundations of the digital state to everyday life. Altogether we have compiled 311 illustrative icons and 160 small icons.

Boulders and limestones

Boulders have found their way into designers' hearts. The shapes inspired by Estonian nature make our branded visuals distinct. Now, the boulders are also named after the ones you can actually climb on yourself. The freshest family members are the new limestone shapes.

As a new element we are introducing paekivi, Estonia’s national stone. It’s simple, rounded-corner design works seamlessly as a design element in office software, web applications and graphic design programs. It can also be used to create text and image containers, infographics as well as illustrations and patterns when needed.

Brand toolbox improvements


In 2024, the Brand Toolbox saw significant growth, with 1517 new users and the addition of 300 new assets. The platform now has 8758 users and 7851 assets.

New features

We have moved to the new version of The new version, Brandkit 2.0, offers better analytics and greater flexibility in content editing. All toolbox content is now available on a single search page, and materials can be filtered through menu located below the search bar. The new version also allows for searching materials by specific sector.

The chatbot Lume

The constant need for tailored messages that align with specific target groups made us think outside the box. Instead of just having Estonian messages on the Brand Estonia website, there is now an easy-to-use chatbot for creating talking points. Describe who you will meet (what country and sector), and Lume provides the initial message ideas. When proposing the messages, Lume takes into account the knowledge of Estonian image in different countries and the Estonian tone of voice

Lume in action

Explore Lume

Sector materials

In collaboration with the Trade Estonia team, we developed sector-specific materials for 8 key industries. The purpose of these materials is to generate external interest in both the sectors and the companies within them. These materials are designed to highlight their strenghts, drive export growth and attract investment.

New videos and photos

Sauna video for Estonian business hub in London. A video was created for the screens of the business hub in London. The aim was to highlight Estonia’s traditional sauna culture in an engaging and visually captivating way.

Sauna time in Estonia

Vist Estonia